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Due to obsolete operating system (WinXP) and SCADA system (FactoryTalkSE 5.0) 24 PCs has to be upgraded.
PCs are installed with Windows10PRO 64bit and FactoryTalkSE Local Station Ver. 8.1 (100 Displays).
The first set of three PCs was installed and tested in Port Ras Laffan, Qatar. Total of 6 PCs has been delivered.
The PCs are configured and tested on equal PLC hardware as onboard. This makes it possible to make the PCs "Plug and Play" for the Crew.
PCs were delivered by DELL and according to DNV/GL approvement. All 24 PC are estimated to be replaced within 1 year.
Due to Vessels sailing world wide 24/7/365 remote control and file access is possible.
SCADA updates can be done remotely even if Vessel is arround the world.
Remote Access via eWON modules installed on all Vessels.
eWON Remote Services
Simulator for testing of improvements and educating crews in manuevering Cargo Plant on LNG/LEG/LPG/MiniLNG gas carriers.
The System is placed in Singapore and accessed remotely by Crews in Wuhan, China and Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The process and feedback signals are simulated in a Rockwell Logix5000 PLC.
The SCADA is identical to the one used on actual vessels but has been added a number of screens to simulate faults during training.
ProControl has Configured and installed eWON modules for remote connection to 9 Norgas Multigas/LNG tankers.
The connection is wireless via GlobeWireless satellite system.
eWON modules makes it possible to supervise and optimise the Cargo Plant.
SCADA system on shore is used to supervise the vessels from Norgas office in Singapore.
PLC Control system is monitored from ProControl office in Copenhagen.
PCs used in SCADA system can be maintained reomtely.
eWON uses two-factor authentication policy (a password and a confirmation code sent to your mobile phone)
and VPN connection to keep high level of security.
Picture shows testing of modules at ProControl office in Copenhagen before installation onboard.